Filippo Ji teach Massage and Yoga 

          all around the world since 2006 




Not just a massage but an experience that involves the body and mind of those who practice it and those who receive it. Thai massage comes to us from the millenary tradition of Thai Buddhist culture. the principles that inspire Thai massage are those of Chinese medicine, acupressure, and yoga, stretching, meditation and reflexology. Its origins are so ancient that they are lost in the mists of time, however it is connected to Ayurvedic medicine. The first phase of the massage includes a diagnosis, through which the operator perceives the real needs of the patient. In fact, in this type of medicine the symptom is the individual expression of an imbalance and as such must be treated with specificity. Both subjects are dressed in comfortable clothes. During the treatment the therapist tries to coordinate his breathing with that of the patient. The aim is to bring both into a state of harmony. The stretches and pressures it performs are aimed at this result. Thai massage produces a series of benefits on the body: it increases vascular activity, releases toxins, eliminates ailments and tensions, activates and releases energy, balances the chakras, brings balance. It is suitable for everyone: sportsmen and active people but also for those who are unable to play sports and suffer from minor depressions, those with chronic ailments and reduced mobility. 


Reflexology means an alternative medicine practice consisting in the stimulation, through a particular massage, of areas of the body called reflex points. By reflex zone we mean a point on the body surface onto which a specific organ located anatomically far from that point is projected. By acting on these points, there is the possibility of positively conditioning the corresponding organ; for this reason reflexology is part of the complementary medicine sector and is considered a holistic healing technique. Proponents of this practice claim that particular moods (stress, anxiety) can also be treated through massage. On a physical level, the benefits of this massage are many, it decreases to eliminate pain, tension, digestive, kidney and liver problems, blood and lymphatic circulation, brings balance and harmonises. The treatments are normally performed on the feet or hands and ears, face, head 


Reiki is spread by Master Mikao Usui ilo who used to teach his students that the purpose of Reiki is the attainment of absolute inner peace or enlightenment. After reaching enlightenment, and as all accomplished masters have always done, Master Usui created a method that could help human beings achieve enlightenment 
In the West, Reiki has mainly spread as an energy therapy. This spiritual discipline is truly unique because it allows each of us to become a channel of universal energy. From a spiritual point of view, the disease is caused by an imbalance between body, mind and soul and energetically by the no longer correct flow of universal energy within our energy structure. Through Reiki, in the part relating to the treatment, we can lay hands on and transfer the universal energy onto ourselves or onto other people: this will help restore the correct flow of universal energy and will stimulate the body's ability to regenerate and rediscover that original balance that had failed with the disease, both in terms of energy and biochemistry. 
As you can already imagine, the energy of Reiki works simultaneously on the body, mind and spirit. Particularly receptive men experience Reiki treatment as love. And Love, in effect, is a force that unites, that seeks to lead to an ever greater totality, until it becomes one with creation itself. Indeed, man's true goal is the realization of this unity in order to then be able to live from it. The soul returns to its original homeland, the drop joins the infinite ocean of being and this union means absolute Love, knowledge and wisdom, harmony, contentment and bliss. Reiki is a powerful healing tool, but above all of Spiritual Healing, which is the only and conscious way to be able to bring Light, Love and Peace into ourselves and contribute to the birth of a better world; a world where all men will be able to live together with Peace, Love and infinite Joy .